The key to making ordinary moments a little more special

Happiness may be subjective. But the things the increase happiness broadly, might surprise you in their simplicity. Here are a few things you can do, easily, that will make those ordinary life moments, a little more special.  

Get Some Exercise 

Many people can increase their happiness through one very simple activity – exercise. If you want to improve your overall quality of life and be happy, the good news is that you can take action and see improvement. Exercise increases your overall health and wellness, but also provides endorphins that make you feel happy in the short term as well as in the long term. Endorphins are the only “feel-good” chemicals released through exercising though. Your body will also produce serotonin, norepinephrine, BDNF and dopamine, the reward chemical. All of which have huge positive benefits for the mind. The bottom line: the combination of these five chemicals will boost your mood, and have been proved to help to relieve both anxiety and depression. You’ll appreciate the little moments more, and be able to manage the challenging ones as well.  

Take Care of Your Nutrition 

Similarly to exercising, what you eat and drink can have a big impact on how you feel. The obvious ones to watch out for are caffeine and alcohol, limiting them both specifically. But it goes beyond that. Eating a variety of healthy foods balances your system, gives you energy and keeps you feeling your best. When your body is being taken care of, your mood is also benefitting. Remember that food is the fuel of our lives, so make sure you are giving your engine the best quality fuel it needs to get you through the big and little moments of your life.  

Find Ways to Relax and Socialize 

When once before, going to an event or getting out and visiting people was a great form of self-care, it can more stressful in the current pandemic. But finding ways to relax and socialize are still really important. Connecting with people over the phone or over video chat can also help you feel less alone and boost your mood. Reading or listening to podcasts can be a nice break from the TV or movie watching. Try out a new hobby or take a class to learn something new. Making time for downtime can help you appreciate the little moments more, so make it a priority.  

Practice Gratitude 

The act of writing down positive things can have a great influence in your attitude and sense of self. Focusing on the good things will reset your brain which is likely otherwise hardwired to dwell too deeply on the negative. We are constantly thinking about all the things that do and can go wrong in our days. But by re-centering our thoughts around what we are grateful for, we are better able to keep everything good and everything bad in perspective. Taking as little as a minute to jot down one thing that you are glad that happened to you will help put you in a better mood. 

For more help making your life a little happier, connect with the records management team at Happy Faces Records Management today.  

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