Cyber Risks in Your Everyday Life

Cyber security concerns are bigger than ever, and you might be surprised where the biggest risks are found. They are often found in your everyday life. Cyber security is most important when you are traveling, in a rush and pressed for time, or even just clicking on link in an email from a supposed friend. Making sure that you take steps to reduce your risk of hacking or downloading unfriendly viruses or spyware can be the most important thing you do outside of the office.  

Here are some of the top risks that are exposing you to data security loss.   

Risk #1: Simple Passwords 

Amazingly, people still get caught using terrible passwords on their online accounts. This might seem like a small risk to take, but hackers are getting smarter about guessing users’ credentials. Passwords like “PASSWORD” “123456” and others are commonly used but easily guessed even by amateur cyber criminals. It’s important to use high-quality passwords that don’t put you or your company at risk of cybercrime. The keys to picking a strong password are simple. Avoid simple passwords. Make it easy to remember but hard to guess. Consider using a password manager for easy management of complex passwords.  

Although the requirements for most accounts are rarely more than 6 characters, the longer your password is the more difficult it is to compromise. Security experts at McAfee say to avoid using personal information including your name, age, birthdate, children’s names, pet’s names, even favorite color or song. Any password that makes sense can be guessed by a savvy hacker with a little insider information (such as what is often readily available on social media). 

Risk #2: Recycled Passwords 

The repeated use of passwords across multiple different accounts and the use of easily guessed passwords is still one of the top entry points for hackers to gain access to personal or sensitive information. If your employees are guilty of the common sin of using the same password for their corporate accounts as they do for their personal accounts, you are leaving your company exposed and vulnerable to the same level of security that their personal accounts support. 

Risk #3: Out of Date Security Practices 

Accessing files remotely can expose your company and your data. Make sure you and your staff know how to work on the road without exposing your company to any unnecessary risks. Keep software and hardware up to date and fully functional. Avoid logging on to the corporate intranet when connected to a questionable network or hot spot. Don’t allow employees to use unprotected devices or download unnecessary or unapproved apps or software programs. Make sure that when employees are out and about their work computers are protected in case of theft or damage. Make sure that your team is not exposing your data to theft, hacking, or worse, when they are on the road or at home. 

For more tips on how to keep your data secure, connect with the team at Happy Faces Records Management.

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