How Can Exercise Lead to A Happier Work-Life Balance

As more companies are evaluated by employees on how the work environment impacts their productivity, positive work/life balance has come sharply into focus.  Because of this, more employees are opting for flexible work schedules and more vacation time even at the expense of higher wages. But one important factor in achieving work/life balance is often overlooked: exercise.  

If your corporate culture is one that supports a strong work-life balance in its employees, it is your job to encourage that value in your employees and your own experience. Here are several exercise options that can help your team achieve greater contentment on the job, higher rates of productivity, and a more balanced mindset for the length of their career.  


Encourage Joining a Class or Team

Finding an indoor sports team or exercise class can be a great way to stay motivated and active when the weather outside gets frightful. Encourage your employees to get active and social at the same time. Consider sponsoring a work team or league, and baking that into the culture of your team. Sports like basketball, soccer, racketball, even swimming, aerobics, yoga, kickboxing, or tennis make great opportunities for some spontaneous exercise as well as valuable team bonding opportunities.   

Spring for a Gym Membership

For those companies unable to provide on-site gym space for employees, a nice alternative is a corporate gym membership (or even just a discount). Gyms are a reliable way to get exercise no matter the weather conditions. But if you commit to a gym membership before the New Year, you’ll have a routine down before everyone else jumps on the bandwagon then burns out because the gym is too busy. A gym is a great option because you have access to a wide range of machines, weights, classes, and programs that can keep you motivated to stay healthy throughout the year.  

Get Some Fresh Air

Walking is a surprisingly good form of exercise, and the best part is that you can do it just about anywhereConsider starting a trend of walking meetings, where one on one conversations can take place on the go. Encourage team members to take the stairs more rather than the elevator. Little changes to the normal day to day can do a lot to improve health and wellness in the office. That has a direct impact on healthcare costs, productivity, and happiness and motivation in the office.  

It’s these little decisions we make every day that add up to keep us healthy. As a manager or an employer, the health and wellness of your employees should be a priority for you, no matter what your budget limitations are. By encouraging a culture of activity, wellness, and productivity, your employees will show up for you in a big way. Their happiness means more productivity, less sick days, and more impact in their work whether you are active in managing it or not.  


Need a Better Work-Life Balance?

For more tips on how to foster a more balanced work culture, connect with the team at Happy Faces today.


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