Look Out For These Security Hacks When Taking Your Next Business Trip

Cyber security is even more of a concern for frequent travelers than for those employees able to depend on access to a reliable and secure network from 9 to 5. There are a number of vulnerabilities that working while traveling can expose you to. Today we’re talking about some key issues and common concerns to business travelers looking to maintain their cyber security while they’re on the go.

Prepare for Take-Off

One of the most important things you can do to protect yourself on the road is making sure your anti-virus software and security updates are up to date. This will help ensure that your devices are free from pre-existing malware prior to leaving the comfort of the office. Additionally, consider clearing your web history and cookies before leaving town. Cookies and browsing history are easily accessed when on a public wi-fi network and can provide hackers with information that could be used in fraudulent transactions.

Beware of Unfamiliar Wi-Fi Hotspots

Traveling inevitably results in internet or corporate network access from unfamiliar locations. Public wi-fi hotspots are notoriously vulnerable to hackers and may even be created with the purpose of giving hackers free and clear access to unsuspecting users’ computers. Before you connect to a public hotspot such as those available on airplanes, at airports, hotels, or in a café, make sure that the name of the network and login procedures are in line with what the staff expects to confirm that the network is legitimate. For example, if you connect to a network that does not require a password but the café requires customers to make a purchase prior to using the wi-fi, chances are that the network is not safe.

Keep an Eye on Your Browsing

When traveling and using unfamiliar or unsecured internet connections, try to avoid potentially sensitive online activities, including online shopping, banking, or confidential work. If you must do one of the above actions, only use sites that begin with https://. Also, consider using your mobile network connection rather than a public wireless network to do any necessary shopping or banking online. Mobile networks are considered to be more secure in general than public networks.

Related Content: Protecting Critical Files Begins with Practicing Safe Browsing

Back Up Your Files

Be sure to back up critical files and documents prior to leaving for your business trip as well. That way any loss of data while on the road may be temporarily inconvenient, but at least you know you will have access again as soon as you are back in the office. There are a number of options available to archive your records, including saving files to an external hard drive (one which is disconnected from your network), and uploading your documents to a secure cloud-based server. Cloud archival programs are convenient for on the go access, but depending on the program or company used may be less secure than saving to an external location.

Working with a records management company like Happy Faces can provide you with the sort of document security that you can count on while traveling. We offer a wide range of archival options that are customized to fit your security needs.


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