Simple Ways to Protect Your Data…That You’re Probably Overlooking

Data leakage is very real and surprisingly common form of security breach. The scary thing is that many businesses don’t even notice it happening right under their noses. Often, hackers use high-level technical skills and technology to get in under the radar, but sometimes the data loss comes from simple user error. It turns out that there are a number of simple best practices that can help companies protect the vast majority of their data. Here’s a list to help make sure you’re covering your bases.

Get Serious About Identity

Multi-factor authentication has quickly become the gold standard of identity confirmation because it’s reasonably quick and easy to accomplish. But just that extra layer of security makes it infinitely more difficult for hackers to pretend they’re someone they’re not. Both consumers and enterprises should be open to switching to dual authentication, such as using an extra text message, email, or automated phone call just to verify the account. Simply put, it adds that extra layer of control just in case an account was accessed by someone unauthorized, as they are unlikely to have access to the extra device (such as phone or email).

Uplevel Your Security Question

Everyone forgets passwords from time to time, and as more resources come available, it can be particularly difficult to keep every login and password straight. Security questions are great at helping to weed out the criminals from the true users. However, veteran criminals know that they will be asked security questions to authenticate your account, and with a little digging online they can often find out that information on social media or other publicly available resources. Which leaves users challenged with the task of creating security questions that only they know the answer to, and are unlikely to share online. Focus on questions that are more personal, or if you really want to trip up a hacker – lie in response to the question. Just be sure you remember what you put so you can still access your account if you need to do a password reset.

Use Better Passwords

With both the above recommendations in mind, also remember that strong passwords are the best protection against hackers and security breaches. Think about creating passwords that are longer than what you currently use, and consider using nonsense phrases that make the password harder to guess, but easy enough to remember. Try using abbreviations, websites, acronyms, and even song lyrics to come up with something unique and personal to you. If you start to feel overwhelmed by the number of different passwords you have floating around (because remember that duplicate passwords are an extremely high risk), password managers are an excellent tool to help you keep track of your passwords and reduce the risk of reusing passwords at the same time. It’s much less risky to use a password manager than taking the chance of a duplicate password being exposed and making several accounts vulnerable.

Sleep Better at Night

Worried about your data? Relax! HF Services Records Management has you covered. You’ll always know your data is safe, whether it needs to be stored, managed or securely destroyed. Choose the solution that works for you, anywhere throughout Georgia. Contact us today, and be a little happier by tomorrow.

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